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Reflection of Heaven

January 29, 2025
By Dr. Kerri Miner

Revelation 7:9
"After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”
In Revelation 7, John tells us of a great multitude of people from every tongue, tribe, people, and nation, wearing white robes and worshiping the Lamb of God. This innumerable group came out of the great tribulation and had their tears dried by God Himself.
What an amazing picture of heaven! People from every nation, speakers of every language, skin of every color, all wearing one uniform and singing one song, united in one purpose: to praise and worship the One who saved them, fed them, sheltered them, and gave them living water so they would never thirst again. Can you see it? Can you imagine it? Can you envision the gleaming white robes? Can you hear the thunderous, beautiful voices singing praises to our God and to the Lamb?  I am overcome by this imagery!
At chapel on Wednesdays at Christ Classical Academy of Charlotte, I often look around Eastgate Church’s sanctuary and see a reflection of this heaven. I see children from varied backgrounds, who speak different languages, possess diverse learning styles, embody different skin tones, and come from numerous nations, all wearing their CCAC chapel uniforms and singing one song in praise to the Lord. WOW! Can you see it? Can you hear it? Can you feel the power of the moment?  Once again, I am overcome!
I’d like to invite you, our CCAC parents, into this reflection of heaven with us on Wednesday mornings at 10:10 a.m. Come join in the singing. Come learn about, worship, and praise the Lord with us. Listen to Dr. Ballard teach. Watch the upper elementary students lead in worship. I can’t promise you’ll see a vision like John the Revelator, but I can promise, when you see a reflection of heaven in the faces of our students and hear the joyful noise they make to the Lord, you won’t regret it.