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Dr. Kerri Miner, Head of School

The Bible says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (James 3:1).

This verse emphasizes the responsibility and accountability that comes with teaching, especially in a moral context. It serves as a reminder of the high standard expected of educators, especially those teaching the Word of God. Christian education is a calling; a ministry ordained by God, to serve a higher purpose (Evans, 2019). Those who believe their vocation is a calling feel obligated to a higher power. We teacher-ministers also feel a strong obligation to share the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ with others, especially children and youth.

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’” (Matthew 19:14).

In this verse, I believe Jesus demonstrates a special fondness and adoration for children. We, as Christian school educators, are called by Him to let the children come to Him, leading them to Him by integrating faith and biblical concepts into our rigorous classical curriculum, as well as into our attitudes and actions. The founder of the Integration of Faith and Learning Educational Model, Frank Gaebelein, believed Christian schooling existed to educate the whole child, mind, body, and spirit (Gaebelein, 1968). Christ Classical Academy’s learning model upholds this standard as a Christian, Classical Community, committed to education that is rooted in God’s story and believing every person within our intentionally diverse community is an image-bearer of God. As such, every person deserves and receives our commitment to truth, cooperation, and partnership. 

I am thankful for the opportunity to lead a committed group of other Christian educators in shaping heart, body, mind, and spirit for Christ, guiding students to know, love, and live for Him. On behalf of the school board, faculty, staff, and administration of Christ Classical Academy of Charlotte I extend the assurance of this commitment to you and your family and welcome you to our community. 

Dr. Kerri Miner
Head of School