Our school has twenty-six 4–6th graders and 67% of our 7th graders that qualified for the highly-selective Duke University Talent Identification Program. That means they scored in the 95th percentile or higher on a section of the Terra Nova. Seventh graders will be qualified to take the SAT.
Congrats to our students and their families!
Duke TIP is a global leader in identifying academically gifted students and providing them with opportunities to support their development. Read more from the Duke TIP website.
4th–6th Grade
Duke TIP is a nonprofit organization devoted to meeting the academic and social needs of gifted students. Our 4th–6th Grade Talent Search is the entry point for TIP benefits that can motivate gifted students to realize their full potential. The program is open only to fourth, fifth, or sixth-grade students who achieve a qualifying score. They get access to opportunities for appropriate challenge and academic growth and gain insight into how they learn and develop both academically and socially. In addition, they are celebrated for their efforts and accomplishments.
7th Grade
The largest program of its kind, participants in the Duke TIP 7th Grade Talent Search identify academic strengths, develop abilities and interests, and celebrate their achievements at a crucial time when they are forming their identities and looking ahead to the future. TIP assists families in determining how advanced their students’ academic abilities are and what level of educational challenge is appropriate.
As part of the talent search enrollment, Duke TIP registers eligible seventh graders to take either the ACT (No Writing) or SAT as an above-level test. This allows students to have greater insight into their abilities and it gives them the opportunity to preview a college entrance exam.