“…teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end, I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.” Colossians 1:28-29
Christ Classical Christian Academy of Charlotte

A child's education is extremely important to his/her future. The early years of Transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade shape a learner’s perception of the school, self, and the world around them, setting the tone for future school success. Because these years are so influential for a child’s future, the essential skills he/she develops during the pre-high school years must be taught well. CCA provides an education that fosters the child’s mind through the exploration of the ideas, events, and literature that have shaped culture and assessed through the lens of Scripture. At Christ Classical Christian Academy, we focus on teaching your children to observe the world God has given them, recognize how this world reflects Him, and consider how they can affect the world for Him.
Because a CCA education is rooted deeply in Christ-centered principles, we recognize the unique value of each child, creating a safe environment for your children’s faith to grow. When asked to list the essential qualities of their child’s educational experience at CCA, the parents, students, and graduates of CCA offered the following examples as benefits of a Christ Classical Christian education.
- Small class
- Loving, positive relationships between students and teachers
- Focus on spiritual and emotional development as well as academics
- Emphasis on the Bible and Christian teachings
- An atmosphere of community between students, teachers, parents, and administrators
- Extracurricular activities and sports
- High standards for academics
At CCA, we teach to the whole child – mind, body, and soul – working to instill values in each student that can last a lifetime.
CCA Provides a Safe Environment for Each Child
In a scary and increasingly immoral world, children are exposed at a young age to violence, sexuality, and principles that are contradictory to what they learn at home and in church. At CCA, we strive to create a safe environment in which your children can read quality literature, explore the intricacies of science, solve mathematical problems, and consider events of history while standing on the foundation of Christian education. As parents, the fear you feel each time your child leaves your home for a school day can be debilitating. When your child attends CCA, you can rest assured that your child is being taught principles that are important in your home, while at the same time receiving a quality education that sets them up for success in the future.
CCA Offers a Distinctive Approach to Education
As a Christian and Classical School, CCA takes a unique approach to your child’s growth and education. Our teachers and staff combine important aspects of spiritual, mental, and physical growth in our curriculum to ensure that your children are well-rounded and prepared to make wise decisions. CCA offers parents and students the benefits of smaller classroom sizes, strong relationships between teacher and student, and a Christian worldview. Our classical approach to education creates a culture of thinking that has stood the test of time from Socrates to the present. Students’ minds are engaged by Socratic seminars, logic, Latin, and writing; inspiring them to be learners for a lifetime.