We offer the following lessons:
Art: All Ages
Piano: Starting age, 5 years old
Violin: Starting age, 5 years old
Drums: Starting age, 7 years old
Guitar: Starting age, 7 years old
Voice: Starting age, 10 years old
Saxophone: Starting age, 7 years old
Registration fee of $20 (non-refundable) due at the time of registration
Private Lesson Rate $100 per month X 10 months = $1000 for the year
Failure to pay for two(2) months simultaneously will result in the cancellation of lessons.
Students are responsible for additional costs of materials needed for class.
All programs run for ten(10) months (Sept-June) and include three(3) half-hour sessions per month.
Teachers supply lessons once(1) weekly at a regularly scheduled time during non-core classes when available.