Admission PROCESS
•$90 (non-refundable) Application Fee for Lower School
•$125 (non-refundable) Application Fee for Upper School
Return these items to the school office:
•Recommendation Forms– Lower School: (TK–2nd Grade) (3rd–6th Grade) | Upper School: 7th to 12th Grade
1st-6th Grade Principal Recommendation Form
•School Covenant
•Any additional test results the student may have taken (IEP testing, physiological evaluation, etc.)
•Birth Certificate
•Social Security Number
•Copy of Immunization Records
•Request for Records form
The school office will call to set up a screening for your student with a teacher on campus. Schedule a Parent Administrative Interview
Once Steps 1-3 are processed, the Admissions Committee will make the final decision and notify parents of their student’s acceptance or denial via a letter from the school. All decisions made by the Admissions Committee are final and cannot be appealed.
Your $425 (non-refundable) registration fee (TK–12th Grade) holds a place in the class for your student. Once your student is accepted and your registration fee is paid, your student is enrolled at CCA.
No student who has been expelled from a previous school will be eligible for enrollment at Christ Classical Academy. Students who have a record of suspension must complete and return all documents (letters of recommendation, grades, report cards, etc.) and be preapproved for screening by the admission's committee before an admissions testing date will be scheduled. Preapproval is required for admissions testing to occur.
Additional Information
Back to School Bash is held the Monday before school begins. In the morning, bring your student to meet the teacher. In the evening, come back to meet the Head of School, hear from your student’s teacher, and sign up for afterschool, music lessons, and volunteering.
Christ Classical offers an After School Program for TK through 12th grade. For more information, please call 704-549-4101.
FACTS Tuition Management
After the registration fee has been paid, you will need to sign up with FACTS Tuition Management. Once all information is input by the family and payment arrangements are selected by the family, the school will apply amounts owed (tuition, etc.) to their agreements and “finalize” online. This process can be started at any time but must be completed prior to the finalization dates.
Tuition Assistance is available to current families. Please contact the school office for further information.
NC State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA)
*see if your family may be eligible*
The Opportunity Scholarship Program expands school choice in NC through scholarship grants for eligible children in Kindergarten through 12th grade. This program provides funding of up to $4,200 per year for eligible children who choose to attend a participating nonpublic school.
Contact Information:
Ph: 1.855.330.3955 (toll-free)
Fax: 919.248.4687
The Disabilities Grant Program was created by the North Carolina General Assembly to help parents pay qualified expenses for children with disabilities who attend school in an eligible nonpublic setting, or in an eligible public setting for which tuition would be required. Awards up to $4,000 per student, per semester.
Contact Information:
Ph: 1.855.330.3955 (toll-free)
The Education Savings Account (ESA) is a program for eligible students with disabilities in Kindergarten through 12th grade to provide an option for parents to pay tuition, fees, and some other expenses at a participating nonpublic school or homeschool.
Contact Information:
Ph: 1.855.330.3955 (toll-free)